Entrepreneurship / Software Engineering


A brief history

Welcome to CanaryCoders, a bespoke coding and technology hub spearheaded by myself, Kai, and supported by a passion-driven brand based in the Canary Islands. My journey in technology began in childhood in Belgium, fostering a deep-rooted passion for coding and innovation. I taught myself my first coding skills using an old school Intel 386 PC and an MS-DOS book in the early '90s. This was a time when the internet was still emerging, and my curiosity in technology knew no bounds. This enduring passion paved the way for my career as a software engineer, where I've honed my skills and contributed to various innovative projects. My experiences ranged from testing and configuring Linux distributions to web and native programming, and even delving into the realms of hacking and electronics. These early explorations laid the foundation for my professional growth. In addition to my technical endeavors, I also developed an entrepreneurial spirit, gradually building what I consider a mini legacy. This journey allows me to continuously play with and discover new technologies while also inspiring the next generation, including my own children, to engage with coding and technology from an early age. I am currently channeling my expertise in programming and financial markets into a pioneering project, aiming to innovate in the intersection of these fields. The uprising of cryptocurrencies has deepened my interest in the financial world, and I am excited to leverage my dual knowledge in an ongoing private project. My diverse interests, including space exploration and philosophy, often inspire and influence my approach to technology and coding. These passions reflect in the work I do and the projects I undertake. At CanaryCoders, we're always looking towards the future, eagerly embracing new technologies and opportunities for growth. I invite you to join us on this exciting journey.


Companies I'm working at

  • KangaCoders Logo


    Your partner in pure web and mobile application development


  • ShowBase Logo


    Event application builder. (Becoming part of KangaCoders)


Side-projects I'm working on

  • KaiBot Logo


    Easy to use portfolio manager and Crypto trader! (W.I.P.)

  • Compras Canarias

    Making the Canary Marketplace more accessible. (In Early development phase...)

  • ... Logo


    There are many more projects in the pipeline... ;-).


Areas I am looking for opportunities in

I profoundly believe that coding, no matter what background a kid has, helps them focus, to have a passion, being creative and optimistic, to stay out of trouble and approach life differently. I feel making a change here, not only helps the children, but society as a whole. Therefore I'm looking for charity-like projects with the same core values, and I dream about starting such foundations of my own.


Pick my Brain

If you have any inquiries for someone who thinks pragmatically and truly out of the box, you came to the right place! I sure love to share ideas and in all probability have many ways to help bring your ideas to life through one of the companies in my mini-ecosystem. ;-)